Childhood Inspiration

Mister Rogers remixed by John D. Boswell for PBS Digital Studios. Please support your local PBS station: MP3 version now available!...

I’ve had friends on Facebook posting this video for a week or two and haven’t looked at it until today. As I’m watching it for the fist time, I am compelled to share it here with you.

As a child, I would watch Mr. Rogers regularly. I’m not exactly sure what drew me to him, other than the fact that he looked like my next door neighbor and seemed friendly. Clearly he inspired the person who created this video enough to remind myself and others in my generation the pure intention of Mr. Roger’s message. While listening to this, I know why my heart was drawn to him. I believe his message even more now than what I probably understood as a child.

Did you ever grow anything in the garden of YOUR mind?

 All you have to do is think and they’ll grow!

It’s good to be curious about many things.


The Unknown


Why Would You Do THAT?