Current Workshops



When was the last time you were so wrapped up in play that you completely lost track of time? Laughed so hard at something you or someone else said, you could hardly catch your breath? Were entertained by your fellow players that you forgot all about the woes of the world for just a couple of hours?

The everyday demands of life can make prioritizing play land on a scale somewhere between limited or highly unlikely. Playing for the sake of simply enjoying oneself self may not be entirely appealing to you. However, when you hear that engaging in play helps to reduce stress, improves brain function, and can help you develop and improve social skills, you may reconsider adding more play into your life.

Join us on the last Thursday of every month for Recess. This two-hour interactive Zoom session will be filled with improvisational games, discussions, and moments of personal reflection that will reawaken your inner five-year-old and leave you feeling refreshed, reconnected, and reenergized. 

Where: Online via Zoom

Cost: $25


 The Land of Overwhelm


It’s certainly been quite a year. Perhaps you’ve found yourself asking when this rollercoaster is going to come to a stop so you can get off.

It’s been a year of facing a myriad of unknowns. Heavy loads that once seemed manageable now seem too big to carry. We find ourselves facing our regular stream of responsibilities while being bombarded with any number of external factors that demand our attention. Everything is hitting on all of our senses at once and it feels like reality is shifting from up to down and side to side faster than we can adjust. It’s been overwhelming.   

Remaining in a heightened state of stress taxes the nervous system and affects our overall health and wellbeing. The good news is that with practice, you can learn how to alleviate this stress.

In The Land of Overwhelm, we’ll combine the experiential tools of Improvisation and Neurosculpting, a five-step, brain-based meditation. Through this process, you’ll discover how the neuroplasticity of your brain can be used to calm your nervous system and recover a sense of ease even in the most challenging circumstances. 

Come play, laugh, and discover how your brain currently operates when you experience the triggers that hit you from moment to moment while also learning how to redirect your focus in order to calm your nervous system. You’ll walk away knowing how to intentionally utilize your brain’s amazing capabilities and experience a lighter, more joyful way of being.

Cost: $40 per individual

Where: Online via Zoom