Personal Development
Strategic meditation to release old patterns and welcome new
Rewiring Patterns of Limitation
The process of growing up and living brings situations that shape who we are and how we view the world. Some of these situations sting or are traumatic experiences that challenge our perception of safety.
Truth Bomb: Stressful patterns of thought create stress-based responses in the body.
In optimal health...
Our bodies and brains are perfectly designed to function without our awareness. Our breath really does breath itself without us needing to intervene. Our hearts pump blood filled with essential nutrients to each of our organs. Food becomes magically digested and processed and we need not do a thing.
In a state of dis-ease…
When we engage in cycles of stressful thoughts, either consciously or subconsciously, we inhibit our body’s natural ability to function. A simple pattern of thought triggers the arousal of stress hormones and our natural systems become off balance. Sleep is disturbed, our digestion is interrupted, we gain weight or become emotionally raw and aggressive.
These patterns that present themselves as physical ailments can create a feedback loop, causing our thoughts to meander in the realm of thinking something is wrong with us, when in fact, that is not the case at all.
What if there is nothing wrong with you?
What if your physiology is working perfectly to protect you?
What if you have the ability to rewire these patterns?
The Story:
In the 4th grade, you gave a book report in front of your class. You stumbled over a couple of words, heard classmates giggle and saw the mean kid in class roll his eyes.
The Belief:
You are not good at speaking in front of a group of people. If you did it, you will do something they will make fun of you for.
The Behavior:
Avoid speaking up even when you have great ideas to contribute to a conversation.
Develop behind the scenes skills to prepare someone else to be the presenter of information.
Become enraged with the accolades received by the presenter of your ideas because they aren’t presenting it right.
These stressful responses were created by situations in our past history that became filed in your brain as threats. The more we experienced situations that provided proof that speaking in front of a group is scary, or the more we think about how scary this is, the more hard-wired these beliefs became. We then go out of our way to structure our behaviors to make choices about our lives that keep us out of the perceived harm’s way.
If it is true that we can wire our brains to respond to situations in life as being stressful, then it is also possible to rewire our brains to experience those same situations in a state of ease.
It is a practice that, done over time, becomes a new way to experience life.
Kerstin provides classes and private sessions that:
Give digestible information about how your brain works and how it affects biological functioning
Hand you simple tools to create an individualized practice you can utilize in various ways on a daily basis
Contact Kerstin
Learn about working with Kerstin Caldwell